Jungschwuppen english Club at 1st of June

HeyHo cool english speaking Kid´s !

tomorrow is our monthly Gay-English-Wednesday-Club, short GEWC …. or so ;D

from: dlisted.com

We will talk about thing of matter and the Gay feuilleton.

What happened in the past, english free group month and what’s going to happen the next one?

All sorts of things wich are a matter of gay facts and demands our faith in gay community.

Let´s meet tomorrow for talk at the MannOMeter around 6 p.m. and go with me for a hot coca or better a could BioZisch ;=)

from: Wikipedia Internationaler Kinder Tag


Don’t forget, tomorrow is first of July, International Kids day. What else could be the matter for a fabulous Youth group Meeting ?

I’m looking forward to see you Tomorrow! Greeds



PS: Wir haben hochgradige Dolmetscher ins Deutsche eingeladen. Also wer kein Englisch spricht, kann trotzdem kommen^^- Mittwoch, 18 Uhr, Mann-O-Meter!

Timmy auf Hochzeit
chic Timmy

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